EEUG 2024 conference in Rome

October 23-25, 2024 

Hosted by Terna

Local Organizing Committee:

F. Palone, F Di Bona - Terna.

Download Call for paper

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The registration is now stopped. 44 people have registered.

Invoices will be sent by our event company after the conference. 

Important dates:

May 31. June 21: Abstract submission. Send to

July 31: Submission of full paper.

August 1: Early bird registration deadline.

September 20: Final submission after acceptance.

Program in brief

Wednesday October 23th 2024 Course and technical visit
08.00: Bus pickup at Hotel Santa Costanza
10.00: Arrival at Sapei Substation
10.30: ATP Course

  • Part I: Introduction to AC/DC grids, converter types with ATP examples.
  • Part II: Converter control, ATP examples AC/DC, comparison grid following/forming.
  • Part III: Monita HVDC project, TERNA.

13.30: Lunch
14.30: Technical visit Sapei converter station
16:30: Departure by bus back to Hotel Santa Costanza

Thursday October 24th 2024 Paper sessions
08.30: Bus pickup at Hotel Santa Costanza
09.00: Arrival at Marcigliana substation
09.30: Paper presentations. 2 sessions.
13.00: Lunch
14.00: Paper presentations. 2 sessions.
17:45: Departure by bus back to Hotel Santa Costanza
19.00: Bus to conference dinner at New Green Hill restaurant
22.00: Departure by bus back to Hotel Santa Costanza

Friday October 25th 2024 Paper sessions and Members meeting
08.00: Bus pickup at Hotel Santa Costanza
08.30: Arrival at Marcigliana substation
09.00: Paper presentations. 2 sessions.
13.00: Lunch
14:00: Members meeting
17:30: Departure by bus back to Hotel Santa Costanza



EEUG 2024 Rome

Program Oct. 23-25/10


DAY 1 23/10 Course and technical visit


Bus departure from Hotel Santa Costanza



Arrival at Sapei Substation


10.15 - 11.30

Course - Part I. Introduction to AC/DC grids, converter types with ATP examples.


11.30 - 12.00

Coffee break


12.30 - 13.00

Course - Part II. Converter control, ATP examples AC/DC, comparison grid following/forming.


13.00 - 13.30

Monita HVDC project, TERNA. (presentation)


13.30 - 14.30

Lunch break


14.30 - 16.30

Sapei converter station visit



Bus departure to Hotel Santa Costanza



DAY 2 24/10 Technical program



Bus departure from Hotel Santa Costanza



08.30 - 08.45




08.45 - 09.00

Welcome note



09.00 - 10.30

Power System Protection & HVDC

D. Penkov


Protection 1

Effective Integration of EMTP-ATP Simulations with Protection Devices through GOOSE

A. Alarcon Becerra


Protection 2

Fault location in power system with distance protection principles

H. Høidalen


Protection 3

Integral Performance Evaluation of a Line Differential Protection Function Under Current Transformer Saturation

J. Londono Orspina



Transient Phenomena following pole-to-ground fault on MMC-HVDC system equipped with Half-bridge submodules and Hybrid DC breakers

S. De Maria


10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break



11.00 - 12.30

Industry Application I

T. Hunger


Industry 1

Apparent overvoltages on a cable during abrupt earthing

L. Colla


Industry 2

Analysis and Evaluation of Surge-Transferred Overvoltages in Unloaded Earthing/Auxiliary Transformers Using ATP-EMTP

K. Velitsikakis


Industry 3

Application of EMTP-ATP for transient analysis and optimisation of High Voltage Instrument Transformer

M. Dorlikar


Industry 4

Using ATP-EMTP to Support High Voltage Laboratory Courses on the Generation of DC and Impulse Voltages

Z. Datsios


12.30 - 13.30

Lunch break



13.30 - 15.00

Lightning Protection

K. Velitsikakis


Lightning 1

Lightning Protection for 25 kV Metro Railway Stations

T. Pham


Lightning 2

Impact of lightning peak current and tower grounding on overvoltages in a 138-kV transmission line

B. Nogueira Giarola


Lightning 3

A practical approach to deal with instabilities of the CIGRE type 15 source in ATP-EMTP

E. Stracqualursi


Lightning 4

An Investigation of Aspects Affecting Lightning Transient Simulations of a 150 kV Overhead Transmission Line Equipped with Line Surge Arresters

Z. Datsios


15.00 - 15.30

Coffee break



15.30 - 17.00

Industry Application II

H. Høidalen


Industry 5

EMTP simulation for Generator Circuit-breakers sizing: Synchronous Compensator Case

F. Constantino


Industry 6

Simulation and measurement-based analysis of the coupling effects on double-circuit overhead lines and their impact on work safety

Tareq Abuaisha


Industry 7

Secondary Arc Study for a 500 kV Power Line at High Altitudes

J. Videla


Industry 8

Implementation of a TRV Circuit Breaker Model Using MODELS for ATP-EMTP: A Comprehensive Analysis

J. Gallego



Bus departure to Hotel Santa Costanza




Bus departure from Hotel Santa Costanza



20.30 - 22.30

Dinner at New Green Hill restaurant



Bus departure to Hotel Santa Costanza



DAY 3 25/10 Technical program and members meeting



Bus departure from Hotel Santa Costanza



08.30 - 09.00




09.00 - 10.30


G. Lichtenberger


Modelling 1

Thermal Model of Underground Cables

A. Manunza


Modelling 2

Electrical machine modeling in ATPDraw 7.6

H. Høidalen


Modelling 3

Voltage-controlled statistical switching for circuit breaker

D. Venkatesh


Modelling 4

Software Converter of ATP Cases into ATPDraw™ Diagram Via XML Document

J. Rego Carvalho


10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break



11.00 - 13.00

Industry Application III

F. Palone / F. di Bona


Industry 9

Developing a frequency-dependent TOV model for gapless metal-oxide arresters in EMTP/ATP

C. Engelbrecht


Industry 10

Single Phase Reclosing of a 400kV transmission circuit consisting of overhead line and underground cable sections

M. Lorentzou


Industry 11

A Novel Method for Detection of Power Transformer Internal Arcs Using Alternative Transient Program-Electromagnetic Transients Program

M. Salih Mamis


Industry 12

Power quality analysis of new industrial process applications with EMTP-ATP

T. Loor


Industry 13

Resonances & mitigation when undergrounding Overhead Lines in long length

M. Munir


13.00 - 14.00

Lunch break



14.00 - 17.00

EEUG members meeting